
Filming Location

“Belen has been a favorite place in New Mexico for movie makers to shoot their films since the early 1970s. This is because Belen offers a downtown that can be shaped to look like many times and places, with wide streets, proximity to Albuquerque’s movie studios, and a welcoming city government. To date, Belen has been the backdrop for at least 17 Hollywood movies and several television shows and documentaries. Stars like Morgan Freeman, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kevin Costner, Forest Whitaker and David Bowie have spent time in Belen making movies that sometimes transformed areas of the city to fit the character of the small towns where the movies are set. Website includes a list of movies filmed in Belen and the parts of town where they were filmed. Belen is the second most populous city in Valencia County, New Mexico, United States, after its county seat Los Lunas. The population was 7,239 in 2013 census data.”


Please contact us if you would like to view the hotel as a potential movie or television series location.